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An artificial eye can see like a human.

May 28, 2020

The robotic eye was created by scientists in Hong Kong and mimics the way the human eye sees the world.

“The eye mimics the human iris and retina using a lens to focus light onto a dense arrays of light-sensitive nanowires. Information is then passed through the wires, which act like the brain’s visual cortex, to a computer for processing.”

This technology could be used to make androids or prosthetics for the blind.

A story centered around THIS tech would be awesome to write. For one, why would there even have to be a “user” of the eye? What if the eyes are a part of the world around you, like Alexa. Things could get interesting if the artificial intelligence behind Amazon were able to “see” human behavior and determine when purchasing is highest.

It could watch you break a spatula, then offer a new one. Or watch a struggle with intimacy and advise advertisers to show viagra ads.

Thought would no longer be devoted to purchasing. Suggestions for new purchases would show up as soon as the problem arose, with a solution optimized for every scenario.

If there were enough of the “eyes” in the home, anyone could have a full profile built around their habits, tendencies, and body language. Every facial tic, unconscious muscle flex recorded and added to the profile. THIS tech future is the world George Orwell saw in 1984. Except Big Brother is Amazon/Facebook, and they want to sell you something.

With the world established, but what about the story? It could be any story. I’m thinking of a detective noir series, where the main character is a Jessica Jones-style character, hellbent on self-destruction but who keeps getting dragged into mysteries.

Of course, the tech could play a role. The detective would have a hacker friend, and together they could compile profiles of people who use particular household goods, infiltrate the “eyes” of their house, and solve the mystery. It could be murder, but I’m thinking much more like espionage.

It seems like an unfair advantage to be able to look into everyone's home. But if EVERYONE has the technology, how could anyone, in particular, be targeted? It would be the same old-fashioned detective work and intuition on display, brought into a digital world.

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